
Monday Aug 20, 2018
The Dytalov Pass Incident
Monday Aug 20, 2018
Monday Aug 20, 2018
Tom and The Cosmic Dreamer will discuss one of histories most enduring events. Nine Russian hikers went missing in the Ural mountains. When their bodies were found, the mystery began. How did they die and more curiously, what was the reson for their bizarre behavior? Find out more about this strange event and come to your own conclusion.
Next, A listener recently sent me a tweet asking if I would discuss the Alex Jones ban on saocial media. So, this week I will discuss my thoughts as well as the Cosmic Dreamer discussing another "Fast Radio Burst" being detected.

Sunday Aug 12, 2018
Sunday Aug 12, 2018
There seems to be an abundance of wildfires around the world. From California to Colorado and Greece. These wildfires have been intense and somewhat mysterious. Pictures from the area show dwellings and vehicles melted with the surrounding greenery unaffected. Is this how nature works or is there a more sinister motive involved?
Also, Tom will discuss the amazing "numbers" of our human body. It appears that there is no chance we have evolved. Listen to this segment and decide for yourself.

Monday Aug 06, 2018
Bermuda, Jamaica, Ohh I Wanna Take Ya
Monday Aug 06, 2018
Monday Aug 06, 2018
This weeks episode is a Cosmic Dreamer special. The Cosmic Dreamer wanted to do a show surrounding The Bermuda Triangle. This show revolves around the theories, the hosts opinions as well as a few of the most famous disappearances in the Triangle.
In "The News You Need to Know" segment, The Paranormal Patriot gets taken to school by the Cosmic Dreamer regarding a rogue planet that may not be a planet after all. Listen as Tom is taught the facts about space.
Lastly, an old friend is discussed. Without saying "I told you so", well, I told you so. Find out what is being discovered along the west coast. Pour a glass of wine and listen as Tom discusses the effects of a certain disaster no one is talking about.

Saturday Jul 28, 2018
We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat
Saturday Jul 28, 2018
Saturday Jul 28, 2018
My fear of sharks is deep rooted. It began with the movie "Jaws" and culminated with the shark attacks of 1916 in New Jersey. The Cosmic Dreamer (yes he is here this week) and I will share the story and firsthand accounts of this tragic stretch of American history. What made it so strange and more importantly, what species was responsible for these attacks? Could they happen again? Are we safe in fresh water? Find out this and more on this episode of The PAranormal Patriot.
Also, a Bigfoot encounter in Kentucky is discussed as well as The Cosmic Dreamer discussing the hunt for exoplanets. THis and more on this weeks episode.
Contact us at the following:
We can also be found on Facebook and Minds.coms

Sunday Jul 15, 2018
Civil War 2?
Sunday Jul 15, 2018
Sunday Jul 15, 2018
It's been a few weeks since the Paranormal Patriot has been on the airwaves. We return to find that a lot has happened since he has been gone. Numerous listeners has asked if we are on the verge of a secong civil war. Tom will answer that question as well as go over some other political issues that have come up.
Also, on the "News you need to know" segment. Two listener encounters are discussed. First a listeners daughter has an imaginary friend. Is it imaginary or the previous resident of the home? At that point, TOm discuuses another strange noise from the sky in Chile. Where exactly could these sounds be coming from?
Contact us @:

Sunday Jul 15, 2018
Civil War 2?
Sunday Jul 15, 2018
Sunday Jul 15, 2018
It's been a few weeks but the Paranormal Patriot is back. A lot has happened since the last time a show was released, Tom will discuss a few political issues surrounding the Country at this time.
Over the last few weeks, Tom has received many emails asking if he thinks that the Country is on the brink of another Civil War. There can be no disagreement that the country is fractured and is a powder keg waiting to explode. Will it explode into another "brother vs. brother' conflict or fizzle into a few groups of people at odds with one another.
Lastly, Tom will discuss two listeners encounters with the unknown. A child has a "special friend" and another strange sound in the sky is heard. You make the call regarding your thoughts.

Sunday Jun 24, 2018
Technology May Be the Death of Us All
Sunday Jun 24, 2018
Sunday Jun 24, 2018
We all have cell phones, they have become part of our life. We no longer seem to be able to live without them. Could the technology we hold so dear actually be a detriment to our health? Find out the future of cell phoen technology and learn if it is worth it.
On the news you need to know segment, Yellowstone geyers are becoming active and concerning some scientists. Is this the prelude of something bigger or just a natural cycle? Also, you HAVE got to hear the Space Force theme song, I guarantee it will be stuck in your head for days. At that point, Tom revisits Space Force and asks the one question that everyone is asking. Find out what it is on this weeks episode.

Tuesday Jun 19, 2018
Listener Encounters
Tuesday Jun 19, 2018
Tuesday Jun 19, 2018
I asked and I received. A few weeks ago, I asked my listeners to detail some of their paranormal encounters. This week, I will discuss some of the crazy, spooky things you have endured. From ghosts, to aliens, Bigfoot and even Dogman sightings, my listeners have seen and encountered many things.
On "The news you need to know segment" I begin with a breaking news segment detailing the DNA results of the Montana Dogman that was shot and killed recently. What was it, a dog or a cryptid? California may break up into three different states, is this a good idea or political posturing? Also, Trump has announced the formation of the sixth branch of the military. Congress has been told to begin the formation of "The Space Force", a military wing of the Air Force protecting the space around our planet. What are we protecting it from? Does President Trump know something we don't?
Continue to email me your paranormal encounters to the following:

Sunday Jun 10, 2018
The Fermeni Paradox
Sunday Jun 10, 2018
Sunday Jun 10, 2018
This week, Tom will discuss the little known "Fermeni Paradox". This asks the question as to whether we are alone in the universe and have we, or will we be contacted by an alien civilization in the future. As unique as the Earth may be, we may not be the only planet harboring life in this galaxy, let alone the Universe.
On "The News You Need To Know", Tom will discuss the recent revalation of what NASA found on Mars. A purported Dogman was shot and killed in Montana and more earthquakes, volcanoes and general unrest are happening on a daily basis. Find out what is going on around Mt. Kilauea. Could this be the precursor of things to come? Events that The Paranormal Patriot has been telling you that going to happen? Listen to this weeks show and find out.
Contact us with your paranormal encounters, show suggestions and anything else at the following:
THe Paranormal Patriot on Minds and Facebook

Sunday Jun 03, 2018
Shadow On The Wall
Sunday Jun 03, 2018
Sunday Jun 03, 2018
This week, Tom will discuss a recent email he received that has changed his demeanor regarding his political stance. Tom will go over the email to discuss the listeners points and break it down.
The main segment of the show will revolve around the paranormal. Ghosts, shadow people, types of hauntings and explanations of what these could be are thouroughly discussed.
Lastly, on "The news you need to know" segment, a new virus is in India. Is it something to be concerned about or another case of an overblown news story? Also, has SETI found a signal from an alien civilization? They are on ther verge of receiving massive funding from Congress. Rumors abound that they have received a signal that is absolutely alien and require funding for further research.
Contact us at:
The Paranoral Patriot on Facebook and Minds.com

Monday May 28, 2018
Haters Gonna Hate
Monday May 28, 2018
Monday May 28, 2018
On this episode, Tom will discuss the abundance of haters he has encountered over the past few weeks. From people who don't believe in the paranormal to die hard Liberals who are offended by THe Paranormal Patriots views, the hate is coming at him hard and heavy!!! Tom will discuss a back and forth with one of these haters and give his advice on how to deal with these bullies.
Next, The Cosmic Dreamer had a show idea that is not space related, so we had to run with it. We talk about "The All Seeing Eye and what it represents. There are some who believe that the fact that it is on the U.S. Dollar bill means that it is a clue that our government is spying on us at all times. This theory is discussed and evaluated.
Lastly, on "The News You Need To Know" segment, the 30 year old who was evicted by his parent s is discussed as well as another asteroid that came dangerously close to us is touched on. Also, because "haters gonna hate", Hilary Clinton is in the news again. Find out what she had to say about gangs recently. It's enough to make your head explode!!!

Sunday May 20, 2018
Uncommon Cryptids
Sunday May 20, 2018
Sunday May 20, 2018
Most of us have heard of Bigfoot, The Loch Ness Monster and the Jersey Devil. On this weeks show, Tom will discuss two of the lesser known cryptids being reported and encountered.
The Dogman, and one of Tom's favorites, Black eyed kids are discussed with a few encountrers thrown in for good measure. While listening, picture yourself in the witnesses shoes and try to imagine their fear and terror as the unnerving encounters unfold.
In this weeks "News you need to know", Tom gets boastful and says "I told you so" regarding the recent volcanic and earthquake activity. An article regarding a possible non-terrestial sea creature is discussed. Lastly, we have front row tickets to the Hilary Clinton "Not my fault" world tour. Hear her latest excuse and then hear me lose my mind!
Contact us for show ideas and comments:

Sunday May 13, 2018
Shake, Rattle and Roll
Sunday May 13, 2018
Sunday May 13, 2018
There is no doubt about it. Our planet is angry at this time. We are seeing a rash of earthquakes and volcanic activity.
A couple of episodes ago, Tom and the Cosmic Dreamer discussed how our Sun is not emitting as much energy toward our Planet as before. It was also states that this may cause earthquakes and volcanic activity. Could our Sun's natural cyle be causing this uptic in natural disasters or is there something else? Or, could it be that there are now multiple issues that are setting off the Ring of FIre?
In this weeks segment of "The News You Need to Know", Tom and The Dreamer discuss giving consent to our newborn babies, White streets, alien signals and a close encounter with an asteroid this week.
Contact Tom and the Cosmic Dreamer with show ideas and comments.

Sunday May 06, 2018
Don't Drink the Water
Sunday May 06, 2018
Sunday May 06, 2018
That nice, cool, refreshing drink of water may not be as refreshing as you would think.. In fact, it may be damaging you body more that you know. So, maybe a nice diest soda will suffice. Wrong!! That soda may be more harmful than water.
It seems that no matter what we eat or drink, we are being poisoned at every turn. Find out what is in the water we drink and the diet soda we chug that is slowly killing us.
Also, the Boy Scouts of America have recently made news on their controversila decision to change their name and include girls. Listen as Tom and the Cosmic Dreamer discuss this lunacy as well as other topics on this weeks episode of The Paranormal Patriot.
The Paranormal Patriot on Facebook and Minds.com

Sunday Apr 29, 2018
He's Watching Me!!!
Sunday Apr 29, 2018
Sunday Apr 29, 2018
On this episode of the Paranormal Patriot, Tom and The Dreamer discuss how we are being monitored and tracked with our smartphones. No matter where we go and what we do, we are being targeted. Some may not have an issue with this while others are very concerned.
When we pass billboards, our phones are being infiltrated, accessing our search histories. When we click on a link, we are being tracked and monitored. The survellience state is upon us. How do you feel about it?
On the week in review, a bigfoot encounter in Ohio is discussed as well as the Korean Penisula achieving peace is debated.
The Paranormal Patriot on Facebook and Minds.com

Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Here's Lookin' At You Earth
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
This week Tom goes back to Mars to determine if structures photographed in the 1970's are in fact remains of an ancient civilization or just tricks of light. Tom will discuss NASA's response shortly after the pictures became public and more importantly, their response in the late 1990's. What is NASA hiding?
The Paranormal Patriot on Facebook and Minds.com

Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Game On!!!
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
This week will discuss a topic that may eventually involve everyone of us. Events in Syria have increased the odds pf WW3 tenfold. Find out who is behind this and if there is a chance to reverse the course we are on.
On This Week In THe News, more Chicago "Batman" sightings have arisen, what is going on in Detroits schools?, should we be concerned about the current od the Atlantic Ocean and another strange noise was recorded eminating from the sky, this time from Hawaii. What could these sounds be?
Contact us via the following:
The Paranormal Patriot on Facebook and Minds.com

Sunday Apr 08, 2018
The Night the Lights Went Out in Los Angeles
Sunday Apr 08, 2018
Sunday Apr 08, 2018

Sunday Apr 01, 2018
Nibiru 'O Nibiru, Where Art Thou?
Sunday Apr 01, 2018
Sunday Apr 01, 2018
This week's show is an Andrew special. He wanted to do a show about Nibiru, so here it is. I can't say that we accomplished anything on this episode, we spent more time bantering back and forth rather than discussing the facts regarding Nibiru. Oh well, we had fun recording this show and hope you enjoy listening.
Another week of this week in the news brings us a terrifying beast making its presence known in Canada. The audio was brought to my attention by longtime listener Richard Knox, let us know what you think.
The Paranormal Patriot on Facebook and Minds.com

Sunday Mar 25, 2018
No One Is Safe?
Sunday Mar 25, 2018
Sunday Mar 25, 2018
On March 13th, Twitter user Ty received a very chilling voicemail that has since gone viral. You may have heard the original voicemail but there appears to be more to the story. Many shows have covered this but they seem to be fixated on a certain subject regarding the voicemail that reduces the credibility of Ty's claim. Listen to this voicemail and a following voicemail not commonly heard and determine if there is any credence to this story.
The Week in news with the Paranormal Patriot will cover more Ufo and space news as well as the recent political news affecting us all this week.
Contact us @
@theparapatriot on Twitter
The Paranormal Patriot on Facebook and Minds