
Sunday Mar 10, 2019
You Get What You Vote For
Sunday Mar 10, 2019
Sunday Mar 10, 2019
This weeks show will be political in nature. Newly elected Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (Democrat) has proposed a .45 cent gas tax increase. Hear why it is not only the tax that bothers Tom, but all of the events that have led up to this. If you live in Michigan, you NEED to listen to this. If you live in another state, be prepared, it is coming for you.
Also, hear the scenario that happened just prior to the recording of this show. If you do not think we are constantly being monitored, think again!!!

Sunday Mar 03, 2019
A Plethora of News
Sunday Mar 03, 2019
Sunday Mar 03, 2019
Multiple topics dominate this weeks show. To begin, the strange sounds in the sky are still being heard around the world in 2019. Tom will let you hear a few of them and have you decide what they could be. Also, an extremely terrifying animal was recorded "screaming" in the Canadian woods. Listen to this animal and decide what you think it is.
The political side of the show revolves around a House Bill in North Carolina that lowers the passing grade of public schools in that state. If they can't meet the minimum standards, then lower the standards. The military escalation between India and Pakistan is not something we are hearing in the news but it is a major geopolitical event that needs attention. Lastly, if you have Verizon, you may have lost all functions on your phone recently. The resulting response from people begs to ask the question, "What if an EMP decimated our power grid?" How would we react? What would we do? I think that question was answered on Wednesday.

Sunday Feb 24, 2019
The State of the Paranormal Union
Sunday Feb 24, 2019
Sunday Feb 24, 2019
The paranormal field is in somewhat of a state of confusion at this time. From debunkers who will not believe even if a UFO landed in front of them to investigators who believe every noise or movement is paranormal. The field itself has to step back and go back to simpler times. The technology of today no longer allows us to differentiate between what is real and what is CGI. Tom will discuss the current situation in the paranormal field and what the future needs to hold for it to be a serious science.
To end the show, Tom will discuss the comment of the week. Coming from Dylan in Oregon, he lets our host know his true feelings and does not hold back!! After the comment of the week, Tom discusses the bill coming out of Oregon. It appears that for the Democrats to take more power they need to have the voting age lowered from 18 to 16. Listen as Tom explains why this is happening and what the future holds if this bill is passed.

Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Harmonizing With Bigfoot
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Our show begins with a Michigan woman who claims to have a family of Bigfoot living behind her home. Listen to the antics of tis Bigfoot family as well as what is there favorite meal. This sounds too similar to the Midland Michigan Bigfoot interaction. Are these people legit? Do they have "mental" issues" Find out on the first segment of The Paranormal Patriot.
We end the show by answering a question from Jan in Lima, Ohio. She asks me how to teach her kids about the dangers of Socialism when the schools are promoting it as another form of the Gospel. I give my, and others opinions as to how to combat the ever invasive programming form our schools and the media.

Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Santa Is Moving to Russia
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
It seems as if magnetic north is making a beeline towards Russia. What is causing this rapid movement? Is it something internally occurring in the planet or is there an outside source pulling our pole at an alarming rate? Are the poles about to flip? If they do, what happens to us?
Also, "The New Green Deal" is upon us. Is this proposal feasible? Can we afford it? What do fellow Democrats have to say about it?
Find out this and more on this episode of THE PARANORMAL PATRIOT!!

Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Do Not Abort Batman
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Our show this week begins with Tom discussing his thoughts and opinions on the recent late term abortion law passed in New York. Hear what he thinks about this and what the future of further bills holds.
Next, The Batman of Chicago may have got scared and moved on to Indiana. Tom recounts a few listener sightings of this elusive cryptid as well as an amazing Grey alien encounter.
Thanks for listening. Please comment and share the latest show.

Saturday Jan 26, 2019
We've Come For The Children
Saturday Jan 26, 2019
Saturday Jan 26, 2019
The Paranormal Patriot is back, and he is angry!!! It's been a few weeks since the last show and during that time, Tom has had a chance to really look at the state of this country. He does not like what he sees.
To begin the show, Tom will discuss the impending Oregon Senate Bill 526. This "Emergency" bill will allow the government to send agents to the homes of new parents to monitor their children. Only one answer where this is going to go from here.
Next, and to end the show, Tom laments how we here in America only want to fight ourselves while the rest of the world has woke up to their governments corruption and are fighting back. What is it going to take to push you to the limit. Listen to this weeks show and find out where The Paranormal Patriot stands.

Saturday Jan 05, 2019
It's A Bird, It's A Plane....It's A TR-3B
Saturday Jan 05, 2019
Saturday Jan 05, 2019
2019 is here and it has given us some new laws that have to be heard to be believed. Tom will discuss some of these laws as well as detail the comments from the newly elected Michigan Congresswoman as she swears to impeach the MF'er. Is this appropriate, or locker room talk?
To end the show, Tom will talk about the strange triangular crafts that have been sighted with increasing frequency. Are they extraterrestrial craft, reverse engineered UFO technology or human military tech? Find out on this weeks episode of The Paranormal Patriot.

Sunday Dec 16, 2018
Playing God
Sunday Dec 16, 2018
Sunday Dec 16, 2018
A brief comment made on last weeks show brings about the topic for this weeks show. It seems as if scientists and possibly out government are planning on spraying Sulfur Dioxide in the Stratosphere in hopes of dimming the Sun. Will this work and more importantly, is this dangerous to us and the planet? Find out on this weeks episode.
Lastly, California is at it again. As if the citizens are not taxed enough, the Government proposed to tax every text sent by cell phone users. How does anyone survive in that state?

Sunday Dec 09, 2018
You're A Racist Charlie Brown
Sunday Dec 09, 2018
Sunday Dec 09, 2018
The country is very rapidly losing its' collective mind. This Holiday season, it seems as if you can't look or say anything to anyone without them getting offended. From Rudolph to Charlie Brown to Christmas music and candy canes, everything is under attack. Maybe we can take a page from the French and rebel against things that actually matter.
The "Yellow Vest" protest in France is proving that the people are becoming more and more upset with their Government taking more money and power from them. Is this the beginning of more protests? Can we, as Americans, learn from French citizens?
Lastly, I hate to say I told you so but it is becoming more apparent to the scientific community that the Sun is in a solar minimum and we may be heading for "a little ice age". Listen and find out more.

Sunday Dec 02, 2018
The Disclosure Effect
Sunday Dec 02, 2018
Sunday Dec 02, 2018
This weeks show begins with the results of the inevitable UFO disclosure. What will happen around the globe. Wil society collapse, religions crumble or will it be just another day? Tom will give his synopsis on what he believes will happen on the days and weeks to follow after disclosure.
Next, there was a noise heard and felt across half the planet that scientists cannot explain. How does our planet ring like a bell when it has a solid core? Science can not seem to explain it.
Lastly, you have to listen to the idea that Oakland University administration has to protect faculty and students in the event of an active shooter. I can't make this up.

Sunday Nov 25, 2018
Paranormal Encounters From Listeners
Sunday Nov 25, 2018
Sunday Nov 25, 2018
This weeks episode will detail listener encounters with the paranormal. Hear about encounters with ghosts and black eyed kids as well as bigfoot. Also hear a terrifying encounter with a possible alien entity following a UFO sighting.
Send your own paranormal encounter to my email address @

Thursday Nov 22, 2018
Irish Eyes Are Smil....SEEING UFO"s
Thursday Nov 22, 2018
Thursday Nov 22, 2018
Happy Thanksgiving!! This episode is a little late due to technical difficulties, however the show must go on.
This week, Tom discusses one of the most convincing UFO encounters of 2018. Multiple pilots saw the same event and reported it at the same time to Irish air traffic controllers. Hear the actual audio tapes and also hear of a video that adds more credence to this event. Listen to the audio and decide for yourself.
Also, California is in the midst of another horrendous wildfire. Why does there seem to be another record setting wildfire every couple of months? What or who is to blame? Find out in this segment.
Lastly, Tom details a listener account of a winged humanoid in Illinois. A husband and wife witnessed a winged entity recently and its description closely resembles previous sightings of "The Chicago Batman". Is the Batman resurfacing in Chicago area?

Sunday Nov 11, 2018
The Episode About Nothing
Sunday Nov 11, 2018
Sunday Nov 11, 2018
This week, The Cosmic Dreamer joins us again and we discuss a whole lot of nothing. This episode is completely "fly by the seat of our pants". There is no structure and we just talk about what comes to mind.
First, the election is over, or is it? Are the Democrats trying to steal the election in Florida and Arizona, or are the Republicans crying wolf for no apparent reason?
Also, NASA has an issue. It seems that a large part of their equipment in space is breaking down at the same time. Is this just a coincidence or is there another reason that all of this equipment is failing at the same time?
Lastly, Tom asks The Dreamer about his strangest experience. Hear about Dreamers "dream" and maybe some encounters he was not aware of.

Sunday Nov 04, 2018
The Battle for America Heats up- Who is Q Anon?
Sunday Nov 04, 2018
Sunday Nov 04, 2018
After a month long break, The Paranormal Patriot is back!!! The subject on this return episode goes back to the beginning. Tom will talk politics and try to answer the question "Who is Q Anon and are they legitimate?"
Hear Tom's opinion regarding the validity of this group and who he believes they may be. Is there a coming war between Military Intelligence and the Deep State? Find out on this weeks episode.

Sunday Oct 07, 2018
Supernatural Monsters #1
Sunday Oct 07, 2018
Sunday Oct 07, 2018
It is October and we bregin this month with a three part series of supernatural monsters. First in the series is the werewolf. For centuries, legends have spoke of man/wolf like creatures roaming the fields and towns of Medieval Europe. It was not just Europe that spoke of these creatures. Indian tribes of North and South America as well as Asian cultures all had there own stories of a similar creature. To this day, sightings of werewolf type creatures are witnessed around the globe.
Are werewolves real? Is it misidentifications? Are they the Skinwalkers of Indian lore? October is Halloween month. The veil is thinning. Take a ride with the Paranormal Patriot and hear the theories and stories of Supernatural Monsters.

Sunday Sep 30, 2018
Behold! The Black Knight
Sunday Sep 30, 2018
Sunday Sep 30, 2018
This weeks episode begins with a discussion surround the alleged "Black Knight" satellite. Since the 1950's an unexplained satellite has been seen via photos and sightings by astronauts. Is it possble that Nikola Tesla received radio signals from this unexplained orbiting craft in 1899? What does NASA say it is? Find out on this episode of The Paranormal Patriot.
To end the show, I detail an Ohio listener account of a "Grey" visitation as well as my own unexplained encounter. Listen and decide for yourself and make your voice heard by commenting and giving your opinion at ghostseeker4@charter.net.

Sunday Sep 23, 2018
The Sun Is Open For Business
Sunday Sep 23, 2018
Sunday Sep 23, 2018
The observatory in New Mexico is open again. The reason for the shutdown is shrouded in mystery. The official explanation is coming under scrutiny due to the fact that it makes no sense at all. Hear the "official" reason for the shutdown and decide for yourself if it makes any sense.
Next, the planned moon mission has been put on hold. Why have we not been to the moon since 1972? Is it a budgetary issue or something more sinister? Listen and decide for yourself on this weeks episode of The Paranormal Patriot.

Sunday Sep 16, 2018
Black Hole Sun
Sunday Sep 16, 2018
Sunday Sep 16, 2018
Our show this week begins with transmissions from astronauts to NASA regarding UFO sightings. These are the real deal, authentic transmissions. Could these astronauts be seeing real UFO's or are they seeing space debris and misinterpreting them as UFO's? Listen to the audio transmissions and decide for yourself.
Next, can someone tell me what is going on in Sunspot, New Mexico and other solar observatories around the globe. At the time of this recording, seven observatories and webcams have been shut down. The Sunspot observatory has been raided by the FBI. What is going on? Is something going on with our Sun that they don't want us to see? Some of our listeners messaged me live during the show to give their opinions. Hear what they had to say.

Monday Sep 03, 2018
Listener Encounters Part 2
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Monday Sep 03, 2018
I have asked for listener encounters with the paranormal and you have given me plenty to choose from. In this installment of The Paranormal Patriot, I will go over three listener encounters with things that cannot be explained. Listen and decide for yourself. Did our listners really encounter something supernatural?
To end the show, I will discuss the events that recently occurred at a Wisconsin business. What happened? Why are its' employees celebrating this "achievement"? Find out what happened as well as my thoughts.
Lastly, John McCain will finally be discussed. My thoughts regarding this man should be no secret. What happened at his funeral is beyond disgusting. Find out this and more on this weeks episode of the Paranormal Patriot.