
Sunday Jul 28, 2019
Manhandling This Manmade Manhole
Sunday Jul 28, 2019
Sunday Jul 28, 2019
This week on The Paranormal Patriot, Tom will discuss a recent ordinance in Berkeley, California changing the verbiage of "gender specific" items. This week Tom will mishandle the manmade manhole and probably enrage a large amount of people. The question begs to be asked, "When did this country become so sensitive to the term "man"?
Next, Tom will discuss what scientists are calling an impending large earthquake that is overdue for the continental United States. Hear where this may hit and what the possibility of damage may be. If you live in the Heartland of the U.S., be prepared.
Lastly, an upright canine encounter is discussed. A long haul truck driver has a terrifying encounter with a Dogman like creature staring at him through the passenger side window. Listen to hear what happens next on this episode of The Paranormal Patriot.

Sunday Jul 21, 2019
Post Vacation News Cycle
Sunday Jul 21, 2019
Sunday Jul 21, 2019
Back from vacation and the news didn't stop while Tom was away. On this weeks show, Tom will discuss his vacation and his visit to the South Haven Michigan pier where the Lake Michigan Lake creature was spotted on camera. Tom discusses the pier and how big this creature would have been due to the size of the pier.
Next, our friendly neighbor Oregon is in the news again. It seems as if the Socialist bastion of the United States is now considering a bill that will severely limit the rights and survivability of dementia and mentally ill patients. Listen for more information and see what you think.
Also, a listener sent an audio clip of an odd sound coming from the woods in Kentucky. This howl sounds eerily reminiscent of the howl heard in the Canadian woods a few months ago. Listen to the audio clip and decide for yourself. Is it a known animal or an unknown, uncatalogued creature?
The Paranormal Patriot on Instagram

Friday Jul 19, 2019
You Are Now A Member of the "G" Squad
Friday Jul 19, 2019
Friday Jul 19, 2019
A little late due to vacation, but the latest episode of The Paranormal Patriot is reading for your listening pleasure. Be sure to listen to this episode as it will absolutely effect everyone of us, and not in a good way!!!
To begin the show, Tom will again discuss the dangers of the upcoming 5G revolution. Scientists and Doctors around the world are trying to stop the implementation of this "latest and greatest" technology. Is it as dangerous as they claim? Are the facts being misconstrued? Hear about what is happening in the cities where it has been tested. Decide for yourself, is faster download speeds worth it?
Also on the show this week, Tom will discuss the horror a couple had to endure in Virginia as a "Black Eyed Adult" broke into their home and terrorized them. After 39 rounds were fired, the nightmare was over. What exactly was this person? Deranged, drugged out human or paranormal being? Also, Tom will discuss the recent city webcam footage of a Lake Monster in Lake Michigan on the South Haven, Michigan pier. Tom will discuss this footage and give you his thoughts. Due to his vacation occurring 3 miles from where this event took place, Tom will perform a quick investigation of the area to give his further thoughts on the next show.
The Paranormal Patriot on Instagram

Sunday Jul 07, 2019
The NIght of the Goblins
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
This week, Tom will discuss one of the most talked about, time tested UFO/alien encounters on record. The Hopkinsville, Kentucky 1955 encounter has defied skeptics who insist that this encounter did not happen as told. Everything from Goblins, to aliens, to Great Horned Owls have been suggested. Listen as Tom details this account and decide for yourself.
Next, Tom will discuss Rep. Frederica Wilsons plan to prosecute anyone who "mocks" members of Congress. It appears as if yours truly among others are now in the crosshairs. Listen as Tom reveals his thoughts.
Mike Pence was reportedly turned back to Washington while en route to a stop in New Hampshire, or was he? Different reports has come to Tom's attention regarding this episode. Listen as Tom drops a HUGE bombshell as to what could have possibly occurred. The source that has never been proven wrong says that there is something much deeper and more terrifying that we are not being told about. You HAVE to listen to this portion of the show.
Lastly, what was captured on the South Haven, Mi pier webcam that has some people afraid to go into the waters of Lake Michigan? Is it natural or something not yet catalogued? Find out on this episode of The Paranormal Patriot.
The Paranormal Patriot on Instagram

Sunday Jun 30, 2019
The Tears of A Clown
Sunday Jun 30, 2019
Sunday Jun 30, 2019
This week, Tom will discuss the recently pass law in New York that allows illegal immigrants to obtain valid drivers licenses. This will virtually assure that these illegals will have the right to vote. Hear Tom's thoughts on this matter.
Next, recent photos released show AOC brought to her knees by the tragic conditions that children crossing the border are placed in. Living in cages with little to know food, water or toothbrushes was more that AOC could handle as she is seen clinging to the fence surrounding the compound and on her knees crying. The real issue here is that there was nothing to see!!! It was a vacant parking lot with a building that could only be seen by squinting. Welcome to politics in the year 2019.
Lastly, Tom goes over a listener account relating to his encounter with an upright canine in Pennsylvania. Listen and decide for yourself if what this man saw was a misidentification or the real thing.

Sunday Jun 23, 2019
Iran, I Ran So Far Away
Sunday Jun 23, 2019
Sunday Jun 23, 2019
This week on the Paranormal Patriot, Tom will discuss the continued escalation between the U.S. and Iran. Are we on the verge of war? Can it be avoided? Also in the first segment of the show, Oregon Governor Kate Brown activated the State Police to round up GOP senators that refused to show up for a climate vote. Is this something that should be tolerated or is this akin to a Nazi tactic. Listen to the Paranormal Patriots view, it may surprise you!
To end the show, Tom will give you the details on two listener encounters. One with an upright canine and one with a winged humanoid and its minions in her bedroom. Listen to these accounts and decide for yourself if they are legitimate paranormal encounters or a case of mistaken identity and dreams.

Sunday Jun 16, 2019
A Roundtable with Tom
Sunday Jun 16, 2019
Sunday Jun 16, 2019
This week on The Paranormal Patriot, Tom has a roundtable discussion with......himself. Numerous subjects are discussed. The Deep State may be in deep trouble. The Mueller report is proving to be a political hit piece. A key player in the investigation that was listed as a Russian operative has been proven to be a member of the Obama administrations State Department. Also, has anyone noticed how many key political figures are dying lately? Is this another case of people ready to testify against members of the Deep State and being silenced?
Glacier National Park has been secretly removing certain signs in the park. How does it feel to be lied to and manipulated? Learn all about this story and more on The Paranormal Patriot.

Sunday Jun 09, 2019
The Greatest Generation
Sunday Jun 09, 2019
Sunday Jun 09, 2019
On this special episode, Tom will honor the Greatest Generation. The generation who selflessly gave everything to preserve the American way of life. With the 75th anniversary of D-Day recently behind us, Tom found it befitting to honor these men and women. Listen to the original June 6, 1944 NBC News broadcast announcing the confirmation of the invasion of Normandy. Imagine yourself sitting with your parents in the dark with the faint glow of the radio as the announcer beams as the news becomes reality. America was a much different place back in 1944. Listening to this is guaranteed to send chills down your spine as you beam with patriotism.
As mentioned last week, Tom will discuss the possibility that our pets may be able to see and feel things we cannot. Can our pets see in the UV spectrum? If they can, does that mean they can see otherworldly beings?
If you own a cat, listen to this segment. Legend states that cats are magical creatures that protect you and your home. Tom will let you know what cats are prolific in what kind of energy. Cat lovers unite!!! You will need to listen to this to hear just how lucky you are to own these magical creatures.
Make sure to stay until the end of the show. Tom will have a big announcement regarding the future of the show.

Saturday Jun 01, 2019
You Can't Fight City Hall....But I Am Sure Going To Try
Saturday Jun 01, 2019
Saturday Jun 01, 2019
This week, Tom will discuss his ongoing issue with the Township he lives in. It all boils down to an individuals property rights. Do we ever actually own anything? Does the Government own everything we have? Listen as Tom elaborates on his ongoing situation and ask yourself, "Isn't this a form of Socialism"?
Next, it seems as if UFO's have crept out of the shadows and into the mainstream. The Pentagon has lied again about their involvement researching these craft. Is disclosure coming soon? Are we being conditioned for the truth?
Lastly, with all the negativity in our country and on this show, Tom has decided to bring you an uplifting story of a barber in North Carolina who took it upon herself to ensure fourteen students who were not going to graduate now can receive their diplomas with their classmates. This is what truly is America!!!

Sunday May 26, 2019
Tired of Being Cold
Sunday May 26, 2019
Sunday May 26, 2019
This week on The Paranormal Patriot, Tom will continue his discussion regarding the fall of the deep state. New revelations abound. Trump has called for the release of all documents pertaining to the investigation of the Obama administrations abuse of the FISA warrants. Sources are saying that deep state actors are now beginning to panic as the walls are closing in around them. Was the "health crisis" Jerry Nadler endured this week a result of his acknowledgement that hammer is coming down?
Next, Tom has said numerous times that the Sun is the biggest factor when it comes to climate change. He has also stated we are due to see a solar minimum that will cool temperatures. If you live in the northern sections of the northern hemisphere, you have seen below average temperatures and strange weather. Could our star be the cause of this. Listen and hear some very surprising information.
Lastly, Tom revisits his old friend Fukushima. We never hear about the stricken nuclear plant in Japan. However, it is STILL dumping millions of gallons of radioactive water into the Pacific ocean everyday. What is this doing to the ecosystem. Should we on the west coast be alarmed? Listen to this and more on this weeks episode of The Paranormal Patriot

Sunday May 19, 2019
Sunday May 19, 2019
Sunday May 19, 2019
This week, Tom will announce his redemption. For weeks, he has been telling us to hang tight, there are things that will be happening. On this weeks show, Tom will discuss the recent news that has the members of the Deep State running in fear and turning on each other. Also, a huge thank you to everyone who validated Tom's choice to bring the fall of the Deep State into the show topics. Listen this week and learn more.
Lastly, astronomers have found "bullet holes" ripped into our galaxy. No stars, just black. What in the world could be causing this. Learn about this and more on this weeks episode.

Saturday May 11, 2019
The Tree of Life
Saturday May 11, 2019
Saturday May 11, 2019
This weeks show starts off with Tom discussing the circus that is politics in Washington D.C. The mere fact that Attorney General Barr is being held in contempt is a complete farce. The Democrats are holding Barr in contempt for not breaking the law. Tom will discuss his thoughts regarding this fiasco in detail. Listen and decide for yourself if this is what you would like our politicians to be spending their time doing? Is this what we voted them into office for?
To end the show, Tom will discuss a listener show request. The subject is whether or not trees have feelings? Do they make friends? The Do they feel pain? Do they have emotions? The findings may shock you. Listen to why Tom thinks plants and trees may be more intelligent than we think.

Sunday May 05, 2019
A Slew of News
Sunday May 05, 2019
Sunday May 05, 2019
This weeks show brings us a little political intrigue and a little paranormal. To begin, Tom has received more information from one of his sources stating that the Ukrainian government has info on the DNC that proves that it was actually the Clinton campaign that colluded with a foreign government. Does this further exonerate Trump? What does this mean for the Mueller investigation? Was it all a farce?
Also, A listener request is discussed. Tom will detail some of the theories relating to UFO's and where they come from. Some may be mundane, some are plausible. Either way, we do not know so any theory is possible. Listen to the theories and decide for yourself.

Sunday Apr 28, 2019
A Can of Worms
Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Sunday Apr 28, 2019
This week, Tom opens up a can of worms. No set subject matter to the show. To start, Tom will ask "Why is the Department of Defense spending $250 million dollars on this item. Is it because they know something is going happen? Is a false flag operation in the works? Or is it just normal operating procedures?
Next, Bernie Sanders is the front runner for the Dems. It appears everyone is following his lead, not wanting to upset his base. Listen as Bernie details his plans on who should vote and why.
The Deep State conspiracy is in full swing again. Tom's sources have given him some juicy information this week. You will not hear about this on the news, but it appears as if they know what is going on. They just don't know how to spin it yet. Find out about this blockbuster piece of news that has recently been released. It may be another example of the Deep State beginning its downfall.
Lastly, a bit of paranormal is thrown into the show as Tom gives you as listener encounter of "The Glimmer Man". Listen to this account and hear Tom's firsthand experience that is almost an exact copy of the sighting told by our listener.

Sunday Apr 21, 2019
The Good Friday Lie?
Sunday Apr 21, 2019
Sunday Apr 21, 2019
With Easter upon us, Tom felt it was time to discuss the possible Good Friday Lie. All of us have been told since we were children that Jesus was crucified, died on Friday and Resurrected on Sunday. This may not be the case however. Listen as Tom breaks down the timeline using the calendar used during Jesus' time. What you hear may shock you!!!
Also, there is a new understanding as to what happens when we die. Does this understanding prove that there is more after this life? Does this prove we are eternal? Or does it prove that our life here is all we get?
Lastly, April 21, 2016 was a day that change the world for millions of people. Listen as Tom gives tribute to an icon of the 3rd anniversary of his death.

Sunday Apr 14, 2019
Further Down the Rabbit Hole
Sunday Apr 14, 2019
Sunday Apr 14, 2019
This week, Tom will discuss a listeners email regarding Amazon listening to your every word as well as New York City mandatory vaccines. Listen and determine how yo feel about these infringements on your freedoms.
Also Julian Assange was arrested in England this week. I was devastated at this news until one of my sources sent me an email stating that this was all part of the "plan". Listen and find out how this may actually be good news as far as "draining the swamp" is concerned.
@the parapatriot

Sunday Apr 07, 2019
Is Something Happening?
Sunday Apr 07, 2019
Sunday Apr 07, 2019
This week, we will go down the rabbit hole. The Michigan National Guard is on its way to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Rumor has it that military tribunals are underway against some very prolific politicians. Is this deployment related? Who are the so called defendants on trial at this time? What is the "Grand Plan" that may be in the works that goes beyond the Government we know? Find out what exactly may be going on when Tom asks "Is something happening?"
To end the show, there are many listeners asking how to get into the paranormal field. Tom will detail what one needs to do on their first paranormal investigation. Listen as Tom gives his "expert" opinion on what to do and expect as a new investigator.

Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Jussie, The Greatest Supernatural Monster
Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Due to listener demand, Tom will be discussing his thoughts on the conclusion of the Mueller investigation. Was it a sham? What happens next? Is this the beginning of the fall of the deep state?
Next, it appears as if Jussie Smollett has some incredible supernatural skills of his own as he is completely cleared of all charges. What happened? How did he get away with this? What is next?
Lastly, the Green New Deal went up for a vote and was completely decimated. Rep. Mike Lee R-Utah had the most compelling and thoughtful presentation during this debacle. Listen to this instance of comedy gold.

Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Supernatural Monsters #2
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
This week, the Supernatural Monsters series resumes. Tom will discuss the lore of the vampire. Find out who was the first vampire, listen to the myths and legends surrounding this mythical creature. Also find out if vampires exist today.
Next, to continue the show, Tom will talk about ghosts. What are they? Is there tangible proof of their existence? What types of ghosts are there? Tom will also go over some of the investigations he has been on. Listen to all of this and more on this weeks episode of The Paranormal Patriot.

Sunday Mar 17, 2019
When The Lights Go Out
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
The recent Verizon outage in Michigan has opened up the topic of an EMP attack on this country. What would happen after an attack occurs? How will society adapt? What are the basic essentials you would need to ride out weeks, months or even years without power? The scary truth about this scenario is that it may not be from a foreign power. A large solar storm could impact not only the U.S. but the entire planet in ways that we are not prepared for.